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The Edinburgh Society of Musicians - A Special Announcement
The Edinburgh Society of Musicians is delighted to announce that His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh has become its Royal Patron. This is a great honour for the Society, recognising its longevity, its unique character, and its potential to make a positive contribution to the musical life in Edinburgh.

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Founded in 1887, the ESM promotes practical music-making in Edinburgh, offering a variety of music each Saturday evening with concerts from October to June presenting professional, semi-professional and amateur players along with advanced students from various institutions in the UK and Europe. The Royal patronage marks an exciting new chapter in the charity’s history, as we begin to collaborate with Scottish universities, colleges, specialist schools and teachers inviting them each to provide students to fill one or two programmes per season. We look forward to giving students performance opportunities, and allowing our members and visitors to hear potential stars of the future at the very start of their careers. ​
The Society is well recognised in the local musical community and it is an honour to have the patronage of The Duke of Edinburgh, who is passionate about supporting music and the arts. His Royal Highness’s support and encouragement will greatly enhance the work of the Society in the wider world of musical performance.

In August 2023 The Duke visited the Society, met with its Council, and enjoyed some music by Bach (Performed by Kevin O’Hare) plus a performance by Worbey and Farrell
Elaine Gould, ESM President said:
“I am thrilled that His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh has become our Patron and excited for this next phase in the Society’s rich history with our new initiative to reach out more proactively to engage particularly with students. Various family members and good friends have, over my lifetime, devoted much of their time to the Society both in its management and as performers and I have also performed on numerous occasions. Sadly, many of those relatives and friends are no longer with us, and I feel I owe it to them to ensure the continued prosperity of the Society and so I am enormously proud to see us receive Royal patronage.”