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Privacy Policy

Data Protection Act 1998 – Application and Policy


The Society is a not-for profit organisation and holds data only for specified purposes.
As such, the Society does not require to be registered for data protection purposes.
The Society does however adhere strictly to the eight principles of data protection as defined by legislation.
For the avoidance of doubt the Society does not hold any sensitive data as defined by Section 2 of the principal Act.

The Specified Purposes

The Society holds data for the following purposes only:

  • Internal Administration

  • Advertising and Marketing of Society activities

  • Artistic Purposes

  • Accounting Purposes

  • Public Register Requirements

  • A Register of Members

The Eight Principles

All Personal Data is:

  1. Processed fairly and lawfully

  2. Processed only for specified and lawful purposes

  3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive

  4. Accurate and up to date

  5. Kept no longer than is necessary

  6. Processed in line with the rights of individuals

  7. Secured against accidental loss, destruction or damage and against unauthorised and unlawful processing

  8. In no circumstances transferred to countries outwith the European Economic Area

General Policy


In no circumstances will the Society share any individual personal data with any other person, body or agency unless required so to do by law and then only on production of a valid warrant requiring disclosure.


Any individual requiring information regarding details of his or her personal data as held by the Society will be supplied with such information as quickly as is reasonably practicable on receipt by the Secretary of a written request therefor - subject always to clear and satisfactory proof of identity.

Otherwise, the Society, in the conduct of its own affairs, operates a policy of openness and transparency – provided always that the rights of individuals are not thereby compromised in any manner of way.

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