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The single manual harpsichord was built in 1975-76 and is a Zuckermann Flemish V.


In laying out plans for the instrument, Zuckermann - in the person of David Way - began with a small Andreas Ruckers harpsichord of 1643, enlarged it from 45 to 52 notes so that all of Bach could be played comfortably, but otherwise changed it as little as possible. It is handsome in appearance, and lively and resonant in tone - an ideal instrument for solo, ensemble and continuo work. Its length is 77 inches (195.5cm) and width 30.5 inches (80 cm).


The instrument has one choir of strings at normal 8' pitch and another at 4'. The longer strings are rich enough to carry the burden of the music; the 4' choir can be added at will for contrasting passages. This was the normal disposition for the old Flemish instruments. The 8' choir has the addition of a buff (lute) stop. The touch is light and crisp and sensitive.


The compass is 4.5 octaves with GG/BB short octave, as was frequently used on old instruments, or it can be tuned chromatically giving BB-d'''."


The instrument is normally tuned to Equal Temperament at A=440Hz. Any change to this should only be made with the approval of the Society.



(Description furnished by Kyle McCallum, BMus (Edin), builder of this harpsichord and former conductor of the Aberdeen Orpheus Choir.)


Built by Kyle McCallum with painting of Loch Rannoch by Chris Moore

Edinburgh Society of Musicians

3 Belford Road,


EH4 3BL. 

Patron: Richard Demarco

Established 1887

Scottish Charity No. SC003525

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